код Taiwan Time Now - Calculatorology

Taiwan Time Now

Taiwan Time Now

Taipei is one of the major cities located in Taiwan. This region uses the China Standard Time (CST) and it is 8 hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC + 08:00). Unlike other countries or territories, Taiwan does not observe the Daylight Saving Time (DST). Instead, it uses the same UTC offset throughout the year. Taiwan uses Asia/Taipei as the time zone identifier in the IANA database. You can always use the time zone converter if you want to determine the time difference between Taiwan and your country of origin.

If you are about to make a long distance international trip to Taiwan, you will find the time converter useful. The standard used in this time zone is also referred to as Taipei Time or the Taiwan Time. The National Standard Time that is used in Taiwan is similar to Singapore, Brunei, P.R China, and Malaysia.

It is managed by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection (BSMI). The Taiwan time zone has changed over the past decades since the beginning of the Second World War. The Chungyuan Standard Time was developed after the end of the war in which the five-time zone system was classified.