CM To MM Conversion

Centimeters to Millimeters Conversion

Millimeters result: mm
Meters+millimeters result: mm

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert centimeters (cm) to millimeters (mm). This calculator has three active controls and a blank text field that allows you to enter the values to be converted. It also means that it can only execute a single conversion at a time. The controls perform different functions of the calculator. After you fill in the value in centimeters, click the “Convert” button to perform the conversion to millimeters. The results will be displayed in millimeters and meters + millimeters. You will also be shown the method used in performing the calculation at the bottom panel of the calculator.

You can always repeat the same procedure while performing new calculations. First, you will need to readjust the calculator using the “Reset” button. It is used to erase all data of the previous calculations from the calculator. It makes it easier to perform more calculations in lesser time since it deletes everything with a single click. If you have the values in millimeters, you can also convert them to centimeters by clicking the “Swap” button. It alternates the flow of calculations and you can convert centimeters into millimeters.

For example;

Convert 340 centimeters to millimeters


First, enter the value 340 in the required text field and then click the “Convert” button. The results will be displayed as;

Millimeters: 3400 mm

Meters + Millimeters: 3m 400mm

Calculation: 340 cm x 10

= 3400 mm

Formula of converting centimeters to millimeters

1 cm = 10 mm, which means that one centimeter is equivalent to 10 millimeters.

The distance in millimeters is calculated by multiplying the distance in centimeters by 10. It can also be shown as;

D (mm) = d (cm) x 10

For example

Convert 30 centimeters to millimeters

D (mm) = 30 cm x 10 = 300 mm.