Feet To Inches Conversion

Feet to Inches Conversion

Inches result:
Feet+inches result:

It is a calculator that is used to convert the values in feet (ft) to inches (in). It is a dual calculator since you can also use it to calculate the values from inches to feet. It has three control buttons that are useful in operating different functions of the calculator. The ‘Converter' button is used to execute the conversion from feet to inches.

You can clear all the previous calculations at once using the ‘Reset' button. If the value is in inches, you can click the ‘Swap' control to interchange the alignment of the calculation. This calculator has a single text field where you enter the value in feet. Click the ‘Convert' button to display the results in inches and feet + inches. The calculation will also be shown on the bottom platform of the calculator.

For example;

Convert 5 feet to inches.


Enter the value 5 in the blank text field and then click the ‘Convert' button. The result of the conversion will be displayed as;

Inches result: 60

Feet + Inches result: 5ft 0

Calculation: 5ft x 12

= 60"

If the value is in inches, you will first click the ‘Swap' button before you enter the value in the text field. You can always repeat the same procedure with new values after clicking the ‘Reset' button.

Formula of converting feet to inches

12 inches is equivalent to 1 foot

1 ft = 12", this means that the distance in inches can also be calculated by multiplying the distance value in feet by 12.

It is shown as;

D (") = d (ft) x 12

The feet to inches conversion calculator is flexible since you can also convert values from inches to feet. It delivers accurate results within seconds depending on the figures available in the text field.