код Joules to Calories conversion - Calculatorology

Joules to Calories conversion

Joules to calories conversion

Select calorie unit type:  
Energy result in calories:

Joules to Calories Calculation

It is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the energy in joules (J) to calories (Cal). The first text field requires you to enter the energy in joules. Proceed to select the type of calories which can either be small thermochemical calories, small 15° calories and large/food calories. The small calorie is the required energy to increase 1 gram (g) of water by 1° Celsius (C), at a pressure of one atmosphere. The large calorie is also called food calorie, and it is the required energy to increase 1 Kilogram (Kg) of water by 1° Celsius (C) at a pressure of one atmosphere.

After the selecting the type of calorie, click on the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. The result in calories is presented below the two button controls. If you need to convert new values or a different type of calories, you can always use the ‘Reset' button which is the quickest ways of erasing the previous calculations.

Formula of converting Joules to small thermochemical calories

E (Cal) = E (J) / 4.184, which means that the energy in thermochemical calories is computed by dividing the energy in joules by 4.184.

It can also be expressed mathematically as;

1 Calth = 4.184 J

For example;
If the energy in joules is 550 J, find the energy in thermochemical calories

E (Cal) = E (J) / 4.184

= 550 J / 4.184 = 131.45315488 small thermochemical calories.

Converting Joules to small 15° calories

E (Cal15) = E (J) / 4.1855, which means that the energy in 15° calories is computed by dividing the energy in joules by 4.1855.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Cal15= 4.1855 J

For example;
If the energy in joules is 650 J, find the energy in small 15° calories

E (Cal15) = E (J) / 4.1855

= 650 J / 4.1855 = 155.2980528 Cal-15

Converting joules to large/ food calories

E (Cal) = E (J) / 4184, which means that the energy in large/food calories is converted by dividing the energy in joules by 4184.

For example;
If the energy in joules is 455 J, find the energy in food calories

E (Cal) = E (J) / 4184

= 455 J / 4184 = 0.10874760994 Cal.