kJ to kcal conversion

kJ to kcal conversion

Select calorie unit type:
Energy result in kilocalories:

Kilojoules to kcal conversion

It is a conversion calculator used to convert the energy in kilojoules (kJ) to kilocalories (kcal). It is simple to operate and easily accessible making it convenient to use. The first step is to enter the energy in kilojoules before selecting the unit type of calories.

The Kilojoules to kilocalories converter can be used to calculate Thermochemical/ food calorie, international calorie, and 15°C / 20°C calories. After the selecting your option, click the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion. The result in Kilocalories is presented below the two controls. If you need to convert new values or change the type of calories, the ‘Reset' button will remove the text fields with a single click.

Formula of converting kilojoules to food/ thermochemical kilocalories

E (kcal) = E (kJ) / 4.184, where the energy in kilocalories is computed by dividing the energy in kilojoules by 4.184

For example
If the energy in kilojoules is 36, find the thermochemical kilocalories.

E (kcal) = E (kJ) / 4.184

= 36 (kJ) / 4.184 = 8.604206501 kcal

Converting kilojoules to international kilocalories

E (kcal-IT) = E (kJ) / 4.1868, where the energy in international kilocalories is computed by dividing the energy in kilojoules by 4.1868.

For example;
If the energy in kilojoules is 36, find the international kilocalories

E (kcal-IT) = E (kJ) / 4.1868

= 36 (kJ) /4.1868 = 8.5984522786 kcal-IT

Converting kilojoules to 15°C kilocalories

E (kcal15) = E (kJ) / 4.1855, which means that the energy in 15°C kilocalories is computed by dividing the energy in kilojoules by 4.1855.

For example;
If the energy in kilojoules is 36, find the energy in 15°C kilocalories

E (kcal15) = E (kJ) / 4.1855

= 36 (kJ) /4.1855 = 8.6011229244 kcal-15

Converting kilojoules to 20°C kilocalories

E (kcal 20) = E (kJ) / 4.182, where the energy in 20°C kilocalories is calculated by dividing the energy in kilojoules by 4.182.

For example;
If the energy in kilojoules is 36, find the energy in 20°C kilocalories

E (kcal 20) = E (kJ) / 4.182

= 36 (kJ) / 4.182 = 8.6083213773 kcal-20