Joules to kcal conversion

Joules to kilocalories conversion

Select calorie unit type:  
Energy result in kilocalories:

Joules to kcal conversion

It is used to convert the energy in joules (J) to energy in calories (Cal). It is simple to use and delivers the accurate results according to the values entered in the cells. The first step is to fill in the energy in joules before selecting the type of calories. This calculator offers four options on the type of calories which include the Thermochemical/ food calorie, international calorie, 15°C calories and 20°C calories. After the selection, you can click on the ‘Convert' button to complete the conversion. You will receive the energy in kilocalories on the text field below the two control buttons. The ‘Reset' button is the quickest way of erasing the initial calculations.

Formula of calculating joules to food/ thermochemical calories

E (kcal) = E (J) / 4184, which means that the energy in joules is computed by dividing the energy in kilocalories by 4184.

It can also be expressed as;

1 Kcalth = 4184 J

For example;
If the energy in joules is 2500 J, find the Kilocalories.

E (kcal) = E (J) / 4184

= 2500 J / 4184 = 0.59751434034 Kilocalories

Calculating joules to international calories

E (kcal-IT) = E (J) /4186.8, which means that the energy in joules is computed by dividing the energy in international kilocalories by 4186.8.

For example;
If the energy in joules is 2500 J, find the energy in international calories.

E (kcal-IT) = E (J) /4186.8

= 2500 J / 4186.8 = 0.59711474157 kcal-IT

Converting joules to 15°C calories

E (kcal15) = E (J) / 4185.5, where the energy in joules is computed by dividing the energy in 15°C calories by 4185.5.

For example;
If the energy in joules is 2500 J, find the energy in 15°C calories.

E (kcal15) = E (J) / 4185.5

= 2500 J / 4185.5 = 0.59730020308 kcal-15

Calculating joules to 20°C calories

E (kcal20) = E (J) /4182, which means that the energy in joules is calculated by dividing the energy in 20°C calories by 4182.

For example;
If the energy in joules is 2500 J, find the energy in 20°C calories.

E (kcal20) = E (J) /4182

=2500 J / 4182 = 0.59780009565 kcal-20